With our final bank appraisal and inspection now scheduled to happen on May 23rd, we are scrambling to finish up the work that the bank expects to see done. This includes all the touch-up paint, trim pieces, the kitchen backsplash, and putting in a new back door. We've finished the backsplash and putting in the door, but we still have lots of other little things to do.

Still, we like to think that we're in the home stretch, because once the house passes inspection we'll be able to work on it at our own pace. We do have some immediate things that we'll work on through the summer, including the dining room and attic, but we if we want to take a day off from house projects, we'll finally be able to do so.
Attached are some pictures of the finished kitchen tile, the lighting in the pantry space, and the finished exterior paint (we'd been waiting a long while to stucco the basement pony wall and get this painted). And you can see that our new lawn is starting to come in, although it's already been infiltrated by weeds.

Okay, you'll hear from me again after we've had the final inspection. Fingers crossed! (For the curious: if we don't pass this inspection, we basically get hit with a bunch of fees and we have to pay for another $600 appraisal, but we don't lose the house.)