Tuesday, July 13, 2010

And the Walls...Came Tumblin' Down

The whole family went by the house again tonight (Tuesday, 7/12) to check on the progress. Randy immediately set to work caulking and masking the exterior North wall, which he pressure-washed last weekend and he and I intend to paint on Friday. I painted a couple of test patches on the wall, and neither of the colors we had chosen seemed dark enough once they were on the structure, so the kids and I made another trip up to the hardware store to get additional samples...we didn't have time to go back and add these to the collage.
Front door
On the inside of the house, the lathe and plaster is coming down very quickly. We have some real worker bees on our team. The house is a mess, but as our contractor said to me, "Sometimes you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet."
Living room

Bathtub gone!

Progress continues on the foundation. We opted to put a new en
trance into the basement...it just makes sense to do this while the concrete is being poured and the drainage is determined. Here you see a shot of the form for the retaining walls around the new entrance. There will be 4 or 5 steps going down to the door (on the SE corner).

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