Friday, October 24, 2008

The Good Card

I recently received an e-mail from a friend that provides the perfect holiday gift solution for those who are otherwise impossible to buy for: The Good Card.

What is The Good Card? It's a gift card for charity that allows the recipient to donate to his or her charity of choice. It's an ideal holiday gift, especially for parents and grandparents who are tired of receiving things that they will either never use or eventually just pass back down to you.

You can purchase the card in any dollar amount (up to $250) and it allows the recipient to give to any charity; there are over 1.2 million charities to choose from. Whether you send it via e-mail or mail, you can customize the card in order to make it personal. The Good Card also qualifies as a tax-deduction.

I've had to do a lot of plagiarizing in this blog entry (sorry Jono), but it's for a good cause. For more information on The Good Card click here.

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