Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Run, Baby, Run!

One of the great things about Seattle is that every weekend there is always a plethora of happenings for kids. Last weekend, although we already had a lot on our calendar, I asked the boys if they would like to run in a Spooky Sprint race, and to my delight, they both said "Yes!" They didn't even change their minds when I mumbled something about the race being early on Saturday morning, when they would normally be watching cartoons. (E will tell you that Saturday is the boys' day to "kick out.")
Saturday morning arrived and the weather was GORGEOUS. Perfect running weather. I swilled some coffee and checked and rechecked shoelaces, and then we headed to the park where the race was being held. G, who is 4, was signed up to run a 1/2 mile sprint, and E was signed up to run a mile run (this was E's second race, but he seemed more nervous, perhaps because he was sizing up some of his 12-year-old competitors).

G's race was first. I was a little nervous to let him run alone, but I couldn't leave E alone and I knew that race monitors would have an eye out on the course. Now, G has not got a natural runner's build, but he does have an abundance of energy, and when the starting horn sounded, he was off at a good clip. Then I watched helplessly as a parent accidentally tripped him. My heart sank. I really wanted this to be a positive experience for him. Well, after being slightly trampled by another kid, G popped up and kept going and E and I raced to the finish line. After about 5 minutes, we saw the first kid crest the small hill that lead to the finish chute. Then we saw about 12 more kids. I was just starting to worry when E caught site of G. G was winded and slowing down, so I told E one of us should go and finish the race with G. E didn't hesitate...he was off like a rocket and I was sobbing with pride as he took G's elbow, cheered him on, and ran/escorted him to the chute. This was so worth the price of admission!

My kids have given me another reason to run: I get to share one of my greatest joys with them. Watching these little people, who just yesterday were taking their first steps, fly across the finish line with giant smiles on their faces is an awesome thing. And watching them encourage each other is simply one of the most rewarding things I've experienced as a parent.

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